Sunday, December 6, 2015

Racism and actions of the countries youth

We have seen protests on college campuses all over the country from large universities to our very own Dickinson College. Even though the tactics of students across the country have been different they all have similar goals in mind. All of the protest have called for acknowledgement of discrimination in the country, presence of racial tensions, the experiences of racism that African American students have endured in colleges. The youth of America have been increasingly many different issues such as protesting s police brutality, harassment against minorities, and the expanding and inclusion of marginalized groups in academic areas. This article then states that the youth of the country feel alienated by mainstream political parties and traditional institutions. This article feels that with a large amount of youth protesting on college campuses it can then translate into institutional reform.

This article made me think about the Charles Mills article that examines racism in the country. Mills believes that it is the history of white supremacy in politics in every political system that has created racism in todays world. The history of political policies and actions by governments such as colonialism of African Americans and segregation between whites and black citizens in our very own country has created the racial tensions that a prevalent in today's society. Since Mills believes that racism in America is because of the governments past policies, would he think that protests from the youth of America on college campuses have the ability to change the institutionalized racism that is the prevalent in todays society?


  1. I think that he would think that they have the ability to change institutionalized racism. The students are the main part of universities and colleges. If they are asking for change then those institutions really have no choice but to listen to them. they are what makes up the institution so they can insight change.

  2. In my opinion, Mills would encourage the youth to change the institutionalized racism. Since the youth are the main force of the society, they are always the group of people that brought changes to the society. Students have always been at the forefront of movement-building, and it is their duty to take the charge. Even though Mills argues that: the problem is deeply ingrained and institutionalized, and society itself is structured on racism, we should still place great hopes on the younger generation on college campuses.

  3. Mills would most likely empower the people in society who are able to see the injustice to do all they can to make the system as just as possible. Legitimate policy implementation is not ass straightforward however, as I have yet to hear any legitimate policy recommendations from any marginalized group on campus or in the greater country.

  4. This reminded me of the article that I posted. I believe that Mills would think that the concerned students have the ability to change institutionalized racism. The students are the largest part of college and universities so I would assume that Mills would think that because they are the largest group involved, that they would have a large influence on changing the issues of race on their campuses.
