Monday, December 7, 2015

Movements for Equality

The above posted link leads to a website called Because I Am A Girl.  This website has several different facets.  It tries to provide equality for women of all races and ethnicities.  It is primarily focused on young girls, starting them early on knowing that they are equal in society.  I found this website interesting because there are blogs done by young girls telling their own stories.  It's interesting to see such young girls being taught about equality and equal rights for women.  It is an interesting theory to start teaching them so young, and using this website to change the next generation as early as possible.
This website made me think of the reading and discussion that we had on Okin and her beliefs on justice and inequality.  I wondered what she would think of a website and movement such as Because I Am A Girl.  I don't believe that she would think it was as efficient as the movement thinks it is.  She believes that inequality rests in the family, therefore, little movements such as these are just putting a Band-Aid on the bigger issue at hand.  She believes that government and family are essential and need to be combined in order for equality to become real.  She thinks that movements such as these and laws set by government create a false equality because the roots still lie in family.  How effective do you think websites such as this are in the movement for equality?  What do you think Okin would think about the effectiveness of these movements?


  1. Is it possible that Because I Am A Girl might be an early step in 'family justice'. Teaching girls young to value themselves as equals and understand the problems out there may get them to fight for a more equal share of child-rearing with future husbands (assuming a heterosexual relationship of course).

  2. I think that is a very valid point that I did not consider. I believe that it is very possible that Okin would see it in that light as well. it might be a foundation in girls knowing their value in society. However, as far as government goes I still think this organization is pretty far removed.

  3. I agree with you that any just society must start with the family — and can only happen when the family is just. Even though currently, it might be difficult for the society to change and to improve without the transform of the government and family, I still believe attempts like this website will make a difference. It might be hard in a short-term, however, from a long-term point of view, this website might work effectively.

  4. I believe that Okin would agree with me that these websites do not have a great impact on society. This is because they only have a influence on the women that go to the website. For their to be change we must start from both the both "Family" and top "government so that we can learn about equality from a young age and throught out our lives.

  5. We must change individuals on the small scale if any form of legitimate long term change can occur. I do not believe there is any other way to achieve long term societal change.

  6. I believe that websites such as Because I Am A Girl are good in the sense that they address the issue. I do not think that websites can be responsible for making any drastic changes regarding vast issues such as gender equality, but they can bring people together who can then work on making changes. I believe that Okin would say that websites like Because I Am A Girl do not have a substantial impact on society because they have no relation to government.
