Sunday, December 6, 2015

Racial Issues on College Campuses

The article above includes a video that highlights segments from the many protests, rallies, and marches that have broken out across America in regard to racial issues. The outbreaks have primarily been students expressing their frustration with their colleges or universities ignoring incidents of racism and abuse of privilege on their campuses. The students in each event have asked that their campuses recognize and acknowledge the discrimination that is happening and they have all stated different demands they want their campuses to follow. In the demands listed by students, some have asked that their president of their school resign. Both the University of Missouri president and the dean of students at Claremont McKenna have since resigned after their students demanded them to.

This video and small article made me think about the discussion we had in class about "Black lives matter" and the Charles Mills article, both of which address the issue of racism in America. In our class discussion we talked about what "Black lives matter" means to all of us. Although it was not considered a protest, rally, or march, each student had the ability to express how they felt about the issues they see in America and on our Dickinson campus. In Mills article he explains his belief that the past perception of white supremacy in politics has lead to the issues of racism today. Mills used examples such the segregation of white and black citizens in America and African American colonialism to exemplify how he thinks these situations have lead to racial tension. By having such events in the past, Mills believes that the governments in charge of allowing this were the ones responsible for leaving room for racial issues. Mills having the opinion that issues of race are because of our past history, do you think he would have any hope for our future of eliminating racial issues?


  1. I think that he would have hope for our future regarding racial issues. Students all around the U.S are asking for change. students are the future, and they make up the institutions that we say allow racism. students are the future of our government as well, so they od have the ability to make change and Mills would hopefully think so too.

    1. I also hope Mills would believe that change could happen regarding such an important topic. The current students concerned with the issues of race have the power to change this. I agree that there is positive change in our future if you consider the fact that the students concerned now, are the ones that will be making up our institutions within the next years.

  2. In my opinion, Mills would place hope on the younger generation. Nowadays, college students across the U.S. all gather in protests and they have consistently been at the forefront of movement-building. Since the younger generation is the main force of the society that are able to brought changes, Mills would lay great hope in them even though the issues or race have been deeply ingrained and institutionalized since the past.

    1. I agree that Mills would hope for the younger generation to be the ones responsible for making future change. Although history in the United States has a poor reputation regarding issues of race, the current students fighting for equality have enough drive to push society forward I believe.

  3. Yes I believe that he would have hope for the end of racism in our country. I believe time heals everything, I look at how gay-marriage has changed dramatically in not only my life time but the life times of my parents and grandparents. Time changes everything.

    1. I agree that time changes everything. Some of the most important events in history have been ones that brought about change.

  4. How could you not have hope for the future of racial issues? Like Clem said, there are a laundry list of issues that have significantly improved in the past 50 years. LGBTQ issues, racial issues, government programs like healthcare. The country has changed dramatically from a social standpoint and will continue to do so as younger liberal people are born and older conservatives die off.

    1. I do have hope for our future of racial issues. I agree that there has been numerous progress in other areas as well. The purpose of my post was not to insinuate that I do not have hope for the future, it was to ask what you believe Mills would say about our future regarding racial issues.
