Sunday, September 20, 2015

Xintong Sui Justice Blog Post

The link posted above talks about the high unemployment issue that is now prevailing in the U.S. According to the data: Over 8 million Americans were unemployed in July, and about 2 million were classified as long-term unemployed. However, the unemployment rate does not affect Americans equally. The official unemployment rate is around 5 percent. Surprisingly, the unemployment rate for African-Americans is over 9 percent, nearly doubles the official unemployment rate. These distinctions even affect teenagers more seriously. American teenagers have an unemployment rate of about 16 percent, but for African-American teenagers, the unemployment rate is over 28 percent. “Nature hath made men so equal, in the faculties of the body and mind” (Hobbes, 82). Does what Hobbes wrote really applies to all Americans? The second part of the article mentions the reduction of immigrants which may thought as an effective resolution of the unemployment issue. Even though some 9 million new jobs were added to the U.S. economy from 2000 through 2014, during that time, there’s nearly about 18 million new immigrants, both legal and illegal had entered the U.S. Obviously, not only Americans but also immigrants are now competing for the limited jobs and resources. Are these “free to leave” immigrants who try to seek more opportunities and better lives, like Crito said, can’t be regarded unjust or should they be regarded as unjust people, like Hobbes said, who break their contracts with their own country?

The unemployment issue reminds me of what Thrasymachus had said: “In justice, when it comes into being on a sufficient scale, is mightier, freer, and more masterful than justice; and the just is the advantage of the stronger, and the unjust is what is profitable and advantageous for oneself” (Plato 22). In my opinion, even though the state of nature hath made men so equal, the reality does not follows the state of nature all the time. It hard to deny that those relatively weak people (African-Americans) may have the chance to beat the stronger since there are a great many of outstanding African-Americans. However, compared with those white elites, they are still of a relatively small portion. All men are created equal does not apply to all circumstances. The second part of the story which related to immigration is even more controversial. On one hand, as for Crito, he might support the immigrant since people are all free to leave and they have the rights to pursue the life that they want to live. On the other hand, as for Hobbes, those immigrants are unjust since they at first signed contrast with their own country. And it is not only an act of an unjust, but also of a vile,and unmanly disposition to sign a contract with another commonwealth. In my opinion, it is not morally right to enjoy the convenience provided by both countries, because it is a violation of the laws of nature. Since it is people’s right to defend themselves however they can, people should come together and create a body (the government) to rule them all and prevent the “war” between Americans and immigrants from happening. 


  1. I agree with what you said in your last paragraph. I think it is morally wrong and unjust to leave one country and come to another illegally. It is not right to enjoy the benefits of both countries, or even one country if you are not adding to it. As you mentioned with Thrasymachus, I think that statement could be taken literally today. It is unjust to only watch out for oneself because when you're talking about an example like this, you are breaking a set law. It is okay to leave somewhere you don't agree with but it must be done in a just way. Even today, that is not okay because there are legal and just ways to come to the U.S. that should be followed.

    1. I agree with you on the fact that it is okay to leave somewhere but it must be done in a just way. It is true that if you want to be treated fairly in a new country, you have to respect the new country first. Since leaving from one country to another relates to 2 countries, we have to respect the both first and then seeking benefit that we need.

    2. I agree with you on the fact that it is okay to leave somewhere but it must be done in a just way. It is true that if you want to be treated fairly in a new country, you have to respect the new country first. Since leaving from one country to another relates to 2 countries, we have to respect the both first and then seeking benefit that we need.

  2. The ongoing debate over illegal immigrants is one that difficult to solve. In my opinion, I believe that when a person enters another country illegally, they are doing something unjust. If you want to be a part of another country, you have to respect their laws. If they have laws set in place regarding how to become a legal citizen, it is just that you follow them. If you enter illegally, you are already disrespecting the country you are trying so desperately to become a part of. I believe that in regard to Thrasymachus, those entering another country illegally are only looking out for their best interests which would be viewed as unjust.

    1. I agree with your last sentence that those entering another country illegally are only looking for benefit which would be viewed as un just. Since we do something unjust at first, no matter how we act and what we do in the new country should be viewed as unjust. It is perfectly fine for a person to choose where ever he wants to live in, however, it must be done in a just way if you also wanted to be treated fairly. Or in other words, it is how we act that determines what we get.

    2. I agree with your last sentence that those entering another country illegally are only looking for benefit which would be viewed as un just. Since we do something unjust at first, no matter how we act and what we do in the new country should be viewed as unjust. It is perfectly fine for a person to choose where ever he wants to live in, however, it must be done in a just way if you also wanted to be treated fairly. Or in other words, it is how we act that determines what we get.

  3. If one enters another country 'illegally' they are bound to the laws on illegal immigration that country has legislated. This is unjust regardless of the circumstances.
