Friday, November 6, 2015

Chinese Realism in a Melian Light

The Melian Dialogue was a conversation between the Melian grand council and Athenian representatives detailed by Thucydides. It concerned the invasion of Melos by Athens in the fifth century BCE. The rulers of Melos attempted to make a case for their Island State retaining its sovereignty, as they held to their morals of remaining a sovereign state. Realist theory proved to be the outcome of this situation, as the Athenians used their superior military power to take over the island, killing the men and enslaving women and children in the process.

Recently, there has been a conflict between China and Japan over the Senkaku islands in the East China Sea. These islands have been uninhabited for years and remain an important landmark in designating which power gets to retain the rights to the fisheries off the coast of the islands. Both countries have historical claims to the islands. My question is, is there more power in taking of the area by military force, as it appears China is ready to do, or is there more power in persuading the other side to accept the opposing view? Do you think it is even possible for the two polarized sides to come to an agreement without the use of power?


  1. I think that there is ultimately more power in using military force. With countries, it is just not reasonable to think that persuasion shows the most power. Military force shows other countries not to mess with them, and instills fear in them to not try to push them around. Therefore, I believe that military force shows the most power.

    1. I am in agreement with you Adrianna, especially in the sense of preventing any future military actions through a show of force.

  2. In this instance i do believe that there is more power in taking a specific areas by force rather than persuading. This is because it will show the strength of their armies and it will make countries think twice before attacking them in the future. I do not believe that it is possible to have opposing sides come to an agreement without power because in the end both do not want to be viewed as succumbing to the other country.

    1. I also believe that a demonstration of military force will be the solution to this international incident. There does not appear to be a way that this situation will be solved without force.

  3. I believe that using military force would be more powerful in this case. Countries that are viewed as powerful are typically ones that have strong militaries. Although some people wish that persuasion could be used more when a country wants to take a specific area, I do not believe that persuasion is a realistic wish. With force, countries have the ability to create a certain reputation for themselves that will make other countries fear them. This is believed to prevent other countries from attacking them in the futures because they have proven their strong military abilities.

    1. Agreed, I do not believe this situation will be rectified peacefully.

  4. In my opinion, it is more powerful to use force if both countries failed to reach an agreement. Since war is costly, both Japan and China should bargain first before really going to a war. It might work if a country uses its military power to threat another, but it is never wise to start a war without trying to come to an agreement first.

    1. I agree, but let me ask you, do you think it is possible for the countries to come to a peaceful agreement?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
